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Friendsgiving Ideas

Friendsgiving is no different from a thanksgiving party or dinner as we all know it. The obvious difference is in the people we spend it with. Whereas Thanksgiving is spent with relatives, sometimes ones that some of us dread or loathe spending time with, Friendsgiving is spent with our second ‘families’, people we have grown to love over time, in our careers, school days, college, or just our neighborhood. These are people, we are comfortable calling brothers and sisters but are not related to us. People we share our ugly past with, our sweet memories with, and even our ugly sweaters and dirty linens literally. So basically Friendsgiving combines the very best of what you get in thanksgiving, but with a more relaxed group of attendees with relaxed rules away from the prying eyes of nosy cousins, aunties, and other relatives, not forgetting the overbearing scrutiny of a dad to his daughter’s girlfriend. Themes Last summer my friends and I had quite an interesting Friendsgiving party th...

RUTO: Extra judicial killings are planned and executed by Uhuru Kenyatta and the National security Council

Yesterday's interview by Kenya's Deputy President William Ruto with KTN's Sofia Wanuna and Zubedah Kananu brought out several issues key among them the economy, the SGR, sports, religion, and gender, Ruto's relationship with his boss, and how it has affected Kenyans. Ultimately what stood out from the interview is the Extra-judicial killings question and the answer Ruto gave when he was asked about it.

The question, asked by Irungu Hughton of Amnesty International, sought to know why the deputy president was always silent and turned a blind eye to the killings despite being in the government and why the sudden concern from him now that he was seeking election to the presidency. In his response, the Deputy President said that he had all along raised the issues with the Director of National intelligence and has continued to do so when the said director has picked up his calls (insinuating that at some point he stopped picking his calls).

The deputy president was very categorical that three years ago, Kenya's President Uhuru Kenyatta, excluded him from the National security council meetings when he 'started asking tough questions about the extrajudicial killings' that were taking place in the country. "I was excluded from the national security council because of the tough questions I had about the killings, and because I called for an end to those killings" Ruto, said.

The National Security Council is the top-most security organ in Kenya that comprises of all the heads of security from all the security agencies in Kenya and is always chaired by the sitting head of state and in this case President Uhuru Kenyatta. What Ruto's claims mean is that Uhuru planned and executed the extra-judicial killings with the help of the National Security Council and that he was excluded from the said meetings that planned and executed them, when he questioned the said plans and actual killings. He has placed the blame squarely on the President and his team at the Security Council. Ruto is saying it was not me, it was Uhuru Kenyatta.

If what Ruto is saying is true, then what he is saying is that Uhuru and the security council are guilty of such murders and that it was premeditated and pre-planned, but on the flip side, it means Ruto is an accomplice to the murders since he never came forward with the info until now when it serves his political expediency as we approach the general elections in which he is one of the top contenders. This also means that Ruto is breaching the state office secrecy code of conduct by divulging matters of National Security and is endangering the national security of the country. This means that he could be prosecuted for the said breach. This is treason in most countries, Kenya included.

It is now apparent that when faced with a tough question about the jubilee administration and their failings, he has always been very quick to disassociate himself from them while at the same time he has been very quick to claim the successes of the same government and this was well demonstrated by the now-famous  'Kwa mdomo mmoja'  video by President Uhuru Kenyatta. It is quite dishonest and political conmanship by the deputy president and someone needs to call him out for that.
