After much fuss and fight over the south c's MCA flag bearer ticket for the ODM party,
the party has finally settled on businessman Abbas Ibrahim Khalif. The incumbent Osman Khalif had several times run fake media alerts on several South C social media forums about Osman's win of the same seat, nonetheless, sources close to Abbas have refuted the claims and stated categorically that Mr. Abbas Ibrahim Khalif has the ODM certificate and is set to face UDA's.
The South c ODM nominee for the MCA's seat was a product of a consensus between several aspirants among them the former MCA Diana Kapeen. The consensus route was arrived at after the party received intelligence reports of an imminent and planned violence to sway the results in favor of the incumbent Osman Khalif. The plan was to ensure that his diehard supporters wake up very early to vote en masse and as soon as they were sure of the win they were to instigate violence to have voting stopped and ensure that only the casted votes are tallied excluding Abbas Khalif's votes. Osman had organized some bhang-smoking goons from South B to execute his heinous acts.
The party which had caught wind of his planned violence in advance and owing to his previous violent record in nominations, allowed mock voting to take place to avert violence. However, going by the unannounced tallied results of the votes cast Abbas still won by a very huge margin against Osman. Unknown to many the consensus agreement had taken place a day earlier. The previous day, the party had given hints of voting not taking place in south c when they published on their Facebook page a list of wards where voting will be taking place, a list that excluded south c ward.
Today residents flocked the streets of south c in song and dance as they got wind of their nominated leader's victory and that he was now in possession of the coveted nomination certificate. The residents, young and old, led by bodaboda guys, made processions around the south c streets, chanting and dancing with vuvuzelas renting the air as they moved at a slow speed causing massive traffic that lasted several hours. It is clear that Abbas is very loved by the south c people and that will not be changed by any amount of propaganda from any quarters. Abbas will face off with UDA's 'Blackie' in the coming general elections. The sooner these people accept that the better.
Abass oyeee